Justice issues related to the War on Drugs

Discuss the justice issues and action strategies related to the War on Drugs and the stppas discussed by (The New Jim Crow)Alexander and (The school to prison pipeline)Heitzeg.(#1) What justice issues are raised by Alexander? What role do race, class, gender and other differences play in sentencing, especially with regard to incarceration? What is the impact of collateral consequences? What strategies does she recommend for change? (#2) What justice issues are raised by Heitzeg? What role does race, class, gender and other differences play in zero tolerance and policing in schools with regard tothe school to prison pipeline? What strategies does she recommend for change? (#3) What are the similarities/differences between thesepositions?Be sure to address the role of color-blind racism.(#4h) What was your position on prison and punishment before taking this course, and whatsources of informationshaped your position?What are your positionson prison and punishment now? Have theychanged? Explain. What policy recommendations would you make regarding imprisonment/the school to prison pipelinein theU.S?

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