Juvenile Justice

Analytic Essay. You need to write an analytic essay on autocratic, democratic, or technocratic youth, juvenile delinquency, or juvenile justice.
Topic: Focus on one issue in your essay. There are obviously nine possible issues to choose for your essay: Autocratic youth, democratic youth, technocratic
youth; autocratic juvenile delinquency, democratic juvenile delinquency, technocratic juvenile delinquency; autocratic juvenile justice, democratic juvenile
justice, and technocratic juvenile justice.
Source: Read From Autocracy to Democracy to Technocracy: An Evolution of Human Polity ( https://www.cambridgescholars.com/from-autocracy-todemocracy-to-technocracy). If you write on autocratic juvenile justice, you should read Part III completely so you can develop your ideas on it for a good
essay. If you write on democratic juvenile delinquency, you need to read Part IV carefully. If you write on technocratic youth, you must read Part IV thoroughly.
Required Elements: Your essay must tackle these essential elements. For example, if you write on autocratic delinquency, you need to address (1) what
autocratic delinquency is, its main characteristics and symptoms; (2) what social factors and forces lie under autocratic delinquency; (3) how autocratic
delinquency affects political processes, influences common citizens, and shapes social atmospheres; and (4) how autocratic delinquency might penetrate in
democracy and even technocracy while dominating autocracy




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