Knowledge related to coaching.


Prompt: Over the past seven weeks you have gained some valuable knowledge related to coaching. The weekly lectures focused on how to develop and grow in the field of coaching. Specific attention was placed on such areas as motivation, self-efficacy, self-esteem, communication, and goals, along with such coaching practices as MI, AI, and the 5-D cycle.
Examine what you have learned in this course and the specific areas to be utilized either in your current workplace or a future career in professional or executive coaching.
Discuss in detail each area listed above and how each will be utilized within your studies at the university or college you decide to obtain your Master’s degree from.
An additional resource you are to explore is the International Coach Federation ( (Links to an external site.)). Include a section in your assignment discussing this organization and how it will provide a benefit to your executive coaching.
Finally, include a Christian Worldview. Locate a Bible verse and then discuss how you will use that verse when you are coaching.
Requirements: The paper should be 6-8 pages (850+-word minimum)
Page 1 APA Formatted Title Page
Page 2-4 Body of work related to the topic discussed
Page 5 Reference page (a minimum of four scholarly sources, including the textbook, must be both referenced and cited in the paper)
Some examples of how you could approach this paper:
You are discussing with your boss the seminar you plan to hold with the company regarding executive coaching.
You are helping several coworkers work through the conflict they are experiencing.

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