Lab on Pen Testing

  1. Strengthen your critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  2. Strengthen your cyber security pen testing skill


In OWASP Juice Shop, enable the “scoreboard.” At a glance, I don’t see an option for a group scoreboard. If you do, then great, use that. Each team member must submit a scoreboard – meaning, each team member performs the hacking exercises and shows evidence.

Each time a team scores points for a hack, take a screen shot that shows key output from the hack, and a screen shot showing a message of success from OWASP Juice Shop. Take 2 or 3 screen shots (max) per exercise that your team performs. When taking screen shots, make sure that your screen shot captures the command prompt with your Ubuntu username shown OR the screen shot captures your Ubuntu username in the title bar of your Ubuntu VM window. If the screen shot is from the terminal window, capture the command issued.

OWASP Juice Shop contains a set of pre-planned exercises. Students can earn points from working on Juice Shop’s exercises. Students can also earn points if they are able to hack into Juice Shop using their own free-form exercises (i.e., those not defined by Juice Shop makers).

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