Pre-Report Assignment
The point of this assignment is to give you a structure to write down the most relevant information from a 392 lab in a single place. All of this information should be included in your full lab report.
1) What is the title of your lab report? Hint: it is not “Lab 1”. (3 points)
2) Who was your one lab partner? If you were approved by one of the two professors to have more then one lab partner include the name of the professor that approved it. (2 points)
3) Clearly state the objective of the lab. Be very specific. Something like “the object of this lab was to measure …” Be very careful not to include yourself or other students in the subject of the objective statement. For example, do not say anything along the lines of “the objective was to learn about …” The objectives are not about you. (10 points)
4) What is the primary quantitative result? This should be about two sentences and include numbers with appropriate units. (10 points)
5) Attach a png, pdf or jpeg file that depicts your measurement system. It should be a block diagram, not a photo. I recommend that you use PowerPoint to generate this drawing. (10 points)
6) Caption for diagram. The caption should not be anything like “block diagram of the system”. (5 points)
7) List the equipment used to perform this experiment. Be specific and detailed. Do not include a list of cables. (5 points)
8) List all experimental parameters. Include settings on any equipment used, sampling rate, number of sample points, frequencies, drive amplitudes. Also include units where appropriate. Be specific and avoid general statements like “write MATLAB code to process data”. (5 points)
9) List the steps taken to complete the experiment. Be specific and avoid general statements like “write MATLAB code to process data”. (5 points)
10) List all equations used to perform the calculations used to determine the final results. (10 points)
11) Attach all files in the form of pdf or png files of the data and results from this experiment. These must be generated in MATLAB and must be very high-quality files of an appropriate size for your final report. in most cases that is a figure 5 inches with and anywhere between 2 and 7 inches tall. (10 points)
12) Include separated captions for all data and result plots you attached in the previous box. For example, say caption for figure 2, then add the caption. The captions should be written in full sentence form and describe what is shown in the figures. (10 points)
13) A detailed and complete discussion of the results. Also, you should include your interpretation of the plots you have prepared. (10 points)
14) Attach any and all MATLAB and LabVIEW code you and your partner generated for this experiment. Do not submit any code written by anyone else. (5 points)