1. Use the LaTeX template of the Journal of Computational Physics (https://www.elsevier.com/authors/
2. At the beginning you need to show the title, authors, authors affiliation, a short abstract, keywords.
3. The text should contain sections and subsections. You need to highlight some important definitions.
4. The text should contain up to 2 formulas, 1 flowchart, 1 table (everything should be build within
LaTeX script, don’t insert it as an image), and 1 figure.
5. You need to include 2-3 lines of a Python code listing using LaTeX commands.
6. At the end of the document you need to show the references (the list of the used literature) that
should be prepared in BibTeX.
Avoid plagiarism, your document will be vetted for plagiarism with special software. The document
must have the internal logic. Once the document is ready you need to submit a single pdf-file of the text
and all the LaTeX files. These LaTeX files should be easily used to build a pdf-file with any kind of LaTeX
software and have no bugs.
Exercise 1.2: Beamer presentation.
Make a Beamer (LaTeX) presentation (up to 10 slides) called ”Methods of Computational Physics” using a
title page, sections, subsections, text animation, pictures, video clips, and nontrivial graphical animation.
You can use any Beamer template. The presentation should base on the first lectures ”Intro to
Computational Physics and “the Physics of Complex systems” as well as other materials and should be
logically structured. Please use the online tool such as ’’https://www.overleaf. com/’’ to have a possibility
to share your online script with the peers.
Once the presentation is ready you need to submit a single pdf-file of the presentation and all the LaTeX
files. These LaTeX files should be easily used to build a pdf-file with any kind of LaTeX software and have
no bugs.