Laws and Orbits & Newton’s Laws

  1. What is a planet observed to be doing when it is in “retrograde motion?”
  2. How did the Sun-centered theory of the Solar System explain retrograde motion?
  3. What is the most important difference between Copernicus’s theory of the Solar System, and Keplers?
  4. If you hold your finger in front of your face, and alternately look at it with one eye, then the other eye, the finger will appear to jump back and forth. This phenomenon is called what?
  5. State Kepler’s first law.
  6. List four things Galileo observed with his telescope.
  7. State Newton’s Second Law.
  8. Describe the path that an asteroid would follow through space, if there were NO force
  9. What is the difference between velocity and acceleration?
  10. How does the size of the force the Earth exerts on your body, compare with the size of the force that your body exerts on the Earth?

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