Legal Considerations in Your Agency

Watch the brief video “Getting Ready for Court Part 1: Tips for Child Welfare Professionals” and/or read the Getting Ready for Court Part 1 Tips for Child Welfare Professionals Transcript.pdf file. In this video, Angie Stephenson, an assistant attorney general for Child Welfare with the NC Department of Justice, explains the child welfare worker’s role in court and offers suggestions on preparing to testify in court.
Read the article,”Family Drug Courts: Conceptual Frameworks Empirical Evidence, and Implications for Social Work.pdf,” by Margaret Lloyd (2015). This article will orient you to an effective court-based program targeting parents with substance abuse issues.

I have attached what you all need you complete the assignment…

Discuss with your field supervisor and other social workers at your practice agency how your agency interacts with the legal system and what legal considerations are most important or common in this area of practice.
Navigate to the threaded discussion below and respond to the following questions:
From either the video and/or article, identify 2 legal considerations that social workers must integrate into their practice, and explain their relevance to your field agency or interest area as a future social worker.
Describe how your field agency interacts with the legal system including how social workers at your field agency get involved with the legal system and what legal issues or considerations are most relevant to the clients served at your agency. Discuss the importance of these areas to agency practice and how they are navigated.

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