Legal Foundations Of Health Care

Part 1: The safeguarding of patient information
Part 2: The effects of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (PPACA) on the health care system in the United States
In Part I, your goal is to educate new hire health care workers on how to safeguard patients’ medical records and explain to them the legal reporting requirements. You must address each of the following:

Discuss regulations relating to safeguarding health information.
Explain the mandatory contents and legal obligation of providers to maintain accurate medical records.
Explain patient and provider obligations to protect the privacy of health information.
Describe the legal defense of an employee accused of mismanaging a patient’s health information.
Describe a patient’s legal argument concerning the release of inaccurate information concerning their health to the public.
Explain what is meant by legal reporting requirements and identify three reportable events.
Part 1 of your presentation should consist of at least six content slides.

In Part 2 of your presentation, you will explain the effects PPACA has had on the health care system in the United States. You must address each of the following:

Begin with a brief summary of how health care has been affected by the evolution of the law over time.
Characterize the roles of the major departments within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as they relate to PPACA
Identify five major aims of PPACA.
Discus the impact of the PPACA on the overall health care costs the United States.
Explain how the PPACA has influenced the practice of defensive medicine within U.S. health care programs. Could this practice lead to increased negligence cases? Why or why not?
Identify four ways PPACA protects patients.
Part 1 of your presentation should consist of at least six content slides.


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