Leptin Hormone

You are currently employed at a large pharmaceutical company which has just developed a
new drug aimed at manipulating the hormones controlling appetite. Your boss has asked
you to create an infographic poster detailing the endocrine signalling pathway that the new
drug modulates – she is attending the next annual meeting of the Australian Gastrointestinal
Society and would like to use it to help advertise your new drug to the delegates (along with
the usual free pens and post-it notes!).
There are a number of hormones that can affect appetite (see Fig 22.1 in your textbook for a list of candidates).
Your task is to choose ONE of those hormones and produce an informational poster which covers the
• What is the site of production of your chosen hormone?
• What regulates its release, and does it interact with other hormonal systems?
• Show the site of action of your hormone, the receptor(s) that it binds to, the cell signalling pathways
that are activated when it binds to its receptor, and what physiological response it produces (Note:
many of these hormones produce a range of physiological effects but remember that this poster is
focused on the effect of your chosen hormone on appetite).
• If applicable, discuss a disease state in which the function of your hormone is altered, making sure
you are specific about the physiological effects.

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