Lesson Plan



Mathematical Practice Standard: It should be clear how you are attending to this standard in your lesson.

Lesson Objective: What do you want students to know at the end of the lesson?

Assessment: Expand on your objective. What does meeting the objective look like? How will you know students have met your objective?


Pre-Lesson Planning
Learning Opportunities: What manipulatives and/or structured group protocol will you use for the lesson?

Resources/Technology: What materials and/or technology are you going to need for this lesson?

Prior Knowledge: How are you going to use information that students already know to form a foundation for introducing new concepts? What perquisite skills are necessary for them to be successful in this lesson?

Differentiated Instruction: What mathematical problems do you anticipate with this lesson? How are you going to differentiate the lesson for all students, including Emergent Bilingual Learners and students with disabilities?








Lesson Steps
How will you focus students’ attention? How will you activate students’ prior knowledge? How will you give students the opportunity to share their thinking?

Checking for Understanding: What strategies and/or activities are you going to use to determine whether students are ready for the next phase of the lesson?

Launch: How are you going to introduce the task? If necessary, how are you going to model for students what you expect them to be able to do? What questions do you anticipate asking to support mathematical understanding?

How will you facilitate the activity to maintain student engagement? How will you ensure student understanding of the objective and relevant mathematics? What mathematical misconceptions do you anticipate seeing during the activity?

Ongoing Feedback: How are you going to provide your students with ongoing feedback and assistance?

Formal or Informal Assessment: How will you determine whether students have mastered the objective?

Closure: How will you synthesize and summarize the main learning from the lesson? What opportunities will you provide for students to reflect on what they have learned?

Independent Practice: What independent practice activities will you provide for students to practice what they have learned in class? Note: These activities assume that students understand the concept well enough to work on their own.



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