Lessons from Nursing to the World Kathleen Bartholomew TEDxSanJuanIsland
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qh4HW3yx00w (20 Minutes)
Ted Talks: Minda Dentler: What I learned: I Conquered the Ironman
the_world_s_toughest_triathlon?language=en | Minda Dentler
Write a 3 page paper in response to these Videos: Answer these questions—or any thoughts or suggestions of your own: Some research and cites and sources but mainly your thoughts and opinions
(1) What parts of the Videos, Articles, Lectures and the Panel Discussion did you find yourself in most agreement with? Do you have any experience in working with the disabled either personal or profession? And what about the internet bullies the speaker noted–what if anything can we do about this?
(2) Where would you want to push or challenge these Videos, Lectures, Articles or Panel Discussion or article or any of these concepts or opinions? What do we owe the community, if anything? Are physicians obligated to respect the wishes of the patient and at what point would you question the authority of the doctor? At what point would you question a doctor’s authority. What is your opinion is the toughest part of nursing? What is the most enjoyable part? Are physicians always obligated to follow the wishes of thier patient?
(3) What are some of the points made by the Article, Videos and Panel Participants do you personally feel is the most important and why? What do you see as the biggest misconception about children and adults with disabilities?
(4) How can Nurses and Healthcare professionals work together to support people with disabilities. And do you have any personal or professional experience in working with this community (disabled)? How important, in your view, is the relationship between a mother and her child with a disability? How does it differ from the relationship mothers have with their other, able-bodied children? How do you react to failure in your own life?
(5) If you could do research as a nurse, on either the disability you chose, and/or disabilities in general, what questions might you want to investigate? In your opinion–can empathy be taught? Is it important the healthcare workers can some kind of counselling training?