Letter to the EPA urging them to provide the company with an exemption to the environmental regulation.

You are a new member of the U.S. House of Representatives. You are from a state with a beautiful landscape and rich natural resources. Your district also is home to several major aircraft manufacturing companies that employ thousands of your constituents. During your campaign you received $5,000 from each of the manufacturing companies and $5,000 from the Sierra Club. On your first day on the job, the vice president of one of the aircraft manufacturing companies calls to inform you that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has just cited her company for a violation of the Clean Air Act. She tells you that her company can afford the fine, but that the EPA is also requiring her company to modify the plant substantially or close it altogether. The company is seriously considering moving all of its production facilities to a neighboring state, leaving your constituents without jobs. She also reminds you that she and two of her colleagues organized and hosted a fund-raising dinner given on your behalf that charged $1,000 per person. The Vice President of the manufacturing company wants you, as her representative in Congress, to wile a letter to the EPA urging them to provide the company with an exemption to the environmental regulation. You as a member of Congress, must make a decision. In two pages, what do you do?

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