Life becomes more complicated


Cremin says that “. . , life becomes more complicated, and much of what adults do is so complex that simple participation no longer suffices for the transmission of culture. At this point, Dewey suggests, intentional agencies, called schools, and explicit materials, called studies, come into being. And the task of transmitting particular aspects of life is delegated to a special group of people called teachers.” (1547). Martinez, Desiderio, & Papakonstantinou (2010), summarize quite eloquently the description that Cremin advances for how the demand for teachers came about and how we should think of the role and status of teachers in our society: “Teachers hold a unique position in our communities. This allows them to share and develop information between all of societies’ future stakeholders, thus controlling and directly influencing successful social growth and community relations. This prompts the question that many leaders in our society have: Are we sending our children to learn from professional educators, or are we sending them to learn from ordinary people in an ordinary occupation or trade?” (290).
Discuss in detail and support your discourse with actual excerpts from the Lecture Notes and Readings what Martinez, Desiderio, & Papakonstantinou meant by the comments made by:
– Cremin that “. . , life becomes more complicated, and much of what adults do is so complex that simple participation no longer suffices for the transmission of culture” AND
– Dewey that “intentional agencies, called schools, and explicit materials, called studies, come into being”.




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