Life Experience

• Life Experience Paper for 100 points: The assigned paper encourages the student to apply sociological concepts and principles to observations and experiences they have encountered in their daily lives. Select a minimum of eight sociological concepts and/or principles and describe how they help you analyze or better understand the events that have occurred or are presently occurring in your life. Include the following parameters in the paper: You must include one of the following three concepts: 1) Sociological imagination 2) Social stratification, or 3) Socialization
• Apply one of the following sociological theories to one of your life experiences: 1) Structural-Functional approach 2) Social-Conflict approach 3) Symbolic-Interaction approach
Your remaining six concepts must be selected from the following list and must come from a minimum of five different chapters. Chapter 1: structural-functional approach, symbolic-interaction approach, social conflict approach, sociological imagination, cause and effect, manifest function, latent function Chapter 2: values, beliefs, norms, folkways, mores, subculture, counterculture, cultural lag, ethnocentrism Chapter 3: socialization, resocialization, cultural lag, agents of socialization, total institution Chapter 4: status, master status, ascribed status, achieved status, social structure, role, role strain, role conflict Chapter 5: primary group, secondary group, reference group, bureaucracy Chapter 6: gender, sexual revolution, homophobia Chapter 7: labeling theory, primary deviance, secondary deviance, victimless 1mi
Chapter 8: social stratification, social mobility, SES, intragenerational social mobility, intergenerational social mobility, relative poverty Chapter 10: gender stratification, matriarchy, patriarchy, sexism Chapter 11: ethnicity, minority, prejudice, stereotype, discrimination, scapegoat, institutional prejudice, institutional discrimination Chapter 12: social institution, power, authority, profession Chapter 13: extended family, nuclear family, endogamy, exogamy, homogamy, cult, religiosity Chapter 14: tracking, euthanasia Chapter 16: relative deprivation, division of labor, anomie
Other parameters of the paper include: Submit as a .doc file or .docx file (other file formats will not be accepted as they cannot be easily opened/read) Underline, highlight, or bold the concepts in your paper Electronically submit on-line via Drop Box in CANVAS under modules Minimum of four (4) full pages in length (excluding the title page) Number the pages beginning with page #1 (excluding title page) Double spaced, standard margins Include title page with student name, course number and title, and class section number Proofread carefully and make sure you are submitting a college level paper

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