Below are 12 statements which reflect ideas from various theories of human development. After reading Chapter 1 of your text, identify which theorist and theory best matches the viewpoint in each statement
1.The unconscious forces act to determine personality and behavior. (E.G. Sigmund Freud Psychodynamic)
2.Learning, remembering, categorizing and thinking are broken down into individual, specific steps.
3.People achieving their fullest potential. (Doesn’t have a Proponent in the book)
4.The quality of cognitive information increases in each stage, but the quality of cognitive knowledge and understanding change as well.
5.People are affected by the environmental stimuli in which they live.
6.Development proceeds because of social interactions between individuals within a culture
7.Development is life-long and involves a number of psychosocial tasks.
8.Determines physical traits as well as personality traits and social behaviors.
9.Levels of the environment simultaneously influence individuals.
10.Considers internal, mental processes that underlines thinking, problem solving and cognitive behaviors.
11.Underlying wish to be loved.
12.People learn from observing other people.