Lincoln Assassination



Research and discuss the following;

• Lincoln Assassination
• Grant Presidency
• Dawes Act: Fair or Unjust?
• Wounded Knee Massacre
• Agrarian Revolt
• Knights of Labor
• Scopes Monkey Trial
• Social Darwinism/Social Gospel
• Progressive Movement
• Women’s Suffrage Movement
• Child Labor Movement
• Booker T. Washington
• W.E.B. Dubois
• Martin Luther King
• Economy in the Gilded Age
• Haymarket Riot
• Pullman Strike
• Panic of 1873
• Panic of 1893
• Origins of Blues and Jazz
• Panic of 1907
• Great Depression
• Spanish-American War
• Sinking of the U.S.S. Maine
• Theodore Roosevelt Presidency
• Taft Presidency
• Failure of the Schlieffen Plan
• US Entry into WWI
• German Responsibility for WWI
• Wilson Presidency
• Versailles Treaty
• Hoover Presidency
• New Deal
• Eleanor Roosevelt
• Indian Reorganization Act
• Munich Conference
• British Attack on the French Fleet at Mers-El-Kebir
• Value of the Maginot Line
• Miracle at Dunkirk
• Pearl Harbor Attack
• Operation Barbarossa
• Battle of Stalingrad
• Battle of Kursk
• Dwight Eisenhower as Allied Supreme Commander
• D-Day
• Battle of Okinawa
• Gen. George S. Patton
• RAF/USAAF Bombing of Dresden
• Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
• Berlin Crisis
• Korean War
• Origins of Rock and Roll
• Cuban Missile Crisis
• Gulf of Tonkin Incident
• Kennedy Assassination
• MLK Assassination
• Malcolm X
• Kennedy Presidency
• Space Race
• LBJ Presidency
• Reagan Presidency
• Birthright Citizenship
• Prohibition/Temperance Movement
• Reconstruction
• Dystopian Literature
• Vietnam War
• War Powers Act





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