Linear Algebra

Discuss proposed analysis tool for project
Basic linear programming model might be best
Not enough time to get accurate data for the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) tool
Do we want to create simulated data points and use AHP?
Does the paper have to be a real problem or can it be fabricated?
Discuss responsibilities for project
Introduction and Statement of Problem completed – Chad
To do:
Definition of variables – Colleen (completed by Monday 11/23)
Objective statement with explanation – Colleen (Completed by Monday 11/23)
Identifying constraints – me (Completed
Model formulation with explanation – me (Completed
Solving the model – me (Completed
Conclusion – Hitesh (Completed by Monday 11/30)
Timeline for deliverables
Completed project: December 2
Project Outline

Section 1


-What decision making tools can be applied

Section 2

-Find literature relating to the topic

-Discuss literature

Section 3

-Describe the specific problem you want to solve

Section 4


-Solve the problem

Section 5

-Explicitly state your recommendations based upon the analysis from the previous section

Section 6

-Develop an action plan that brings your recommendation to the level of implementation.

Section 7

-Simulate your expectations, and hoped-for results if your recommendations are implemented. The section may also contain a cost and benefit analysis.

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