LinkedIn Ethics Case

Linked Out
You are the chief engineer. Two months ago, one of your new research associates announced to his R&D group that he had discovered a crucial piece of competitive information.
Information and confidentiality in business communication are recurring issues in the ever-growing world of networking websites and online activity
In this case, you are presented a very brief email trail of a perceived problem within a firm. The perceived problem revolves around confidentiality, proprietary information, electronic networking, legal liability,
and possibly a firm’s guiding principles, and ethical standards. In order to analyze this case properly, you will need to make multiple assumptions and it is imperative that you fully disclose those assumptions.
Your analysis should demonstrate the following skills and abilities:
1. effective mechanically correct writing
2. advanced critical thinking
3. a sound ethical foundation for whatever business decisions you recommend
You should remember that decisions are based upon one’s understanding of the situation, constraints, and requirements. I recommend that you conduct a bit of research – the quantity and quality of the research
you conduct is your decision, as is your utilization of the research to support your analysis. However, ensure you properly cite your research according to the American Psychological Association (APA) writing
style guide.
You should begin your analysis with a discussion of the perceived problem – from your perspective is it currently real or is it simply a potential threat or is there really no issue at all. If it is real, how/why did it
develop? This should at least give you a place to begin your analysis.
Finally, after you have carefully analyzed the issues what action, if any, would you, the chief engineer take?

Message 1
From: Research Associate
Subject: Competitor’s Innovation
Date: January 10, 2011 8:00AM CDT
To: Chief Engineer
Chief Engineer,
I’ve caught wind of a major technical innovation from one of biggest rivals. I cannot tell you more at this time, but I will copy everyone on any information I can share as I receive it.

Research Associate
Message 2
From: Chief Engineer
Subject: Competitor’s Innovation
Date: January 11, 2011 8:00AM CDT
To: Research Associate
Research Associate,
I’m pretty skeptical. What is this about? Where are you getting your information?

Chief Engineer

Message 3

From: Research Associate
Subject: Re: Competitor’s Innovation
Date: January 12, 2011 8:00AM CDT
To: Chief Engineer
Chief Engineer,
Turns out that this is much worse than I thought. If our competitor succeeds, they may be able to improve the performance of their sensors by 20 percent, reduce size by 15 percent and reduce material cost by 10
percent. This could put us out of business!

Research Associate
Message 4

From: Chief Engineer
Subject: Re: Competitor’s Innovation
Date: January 18, 2011 8:00AM CDT
To: Research Associate
Research Associate,
I haven’t heard from you in a week. You are not in trouble, but I need more information. Where did you learn of this impending innovation?

Chief Engineer

Message 5

From: Research Associate
Subject: Re: Competitor’s Innovation
Date: January 22, 2011 8:00AM CDT
To: Chief Engineer
Chief Engineer,
The danger’s passed, they’ve given up the project. You have no idea how close they came. I learned about this because one of their engineers is part of my LinkedIn circle.

Research Associate

Message 6

From: Chief Engineer
Subject: Re: Competitor’s Innovation
Date: January 22, 2011 8:00AM CDT
To: Research Associate
Research Associate,
Why would he tell you as much as he did, knowing that you work for a competitor?

Chief Engineer

Message 7

From: Research Associate
Subject: Re: Competitor’s Innovation
Date: January 22, 2011 8:00AM CDT
To: Chief Engineer
Chief Engineer,
He never asked. You know, I just started working for the company so I haven’t gotten around yet to updating my credentials on LinkedIn.

Research Associate

Message 8

From: Chief Engineer
Subject: Re: Competitor’s Innovation
Date: January 22, 2011 8:00AM CDT
To: Research Associate
Research Associate,
I do not use LinkedIn much, however, I do know that their terms of use prohibit misrepresentation or using an unfounded alter ego.
I guess what I’m curious about isn’t so much the fact that your profile may not be up-to-date. Rather, why is our competitor’s innovation dead in the water?

Chief Engineer

Message 9
From: Research Associate
Subject: Re: Competitor’s Innovation
Date: January 22, 2011 8:00AM CDT
To: Chief Engineer
Chief Engineer,
The engineer thought I was still in my research position at the university. He contacted me and asked me for advice. I gave him one of our material analyses, but I changed a few numbers. He bought it hook, line
and sinker!

In a brief essay respond to the case study you have been provided considering the following questions:
a. Consider all of the events that have taken place and your position of authority. Take into account the first two paragraphs of the case study.
b. If you were in the position of the chief engineer, what position and/or action would you take?
c. Analyze this position, taking into account what information you have been given and what responsibilities you, as the chief engineer, must complete to address the situation.

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