Linking the exemplar of life-threatening dysrhythmias with the concept of safety

Linking the exemplar of life-threatening dysrhythmias with the concept of safety

The post is a combination of two assignments

1 Linking the exemplar of life-threatening dysrhythmias with the concept of safety

2 Internship report

Assignment 1
Writing and Internship report
Order Description
Volunteer in organisation related to Human resource management

The organization should give you an opportunity to perform the following: in recruitment, marketing, training, and development, or advertising.

Assignment section:
• Critically reflect by utilising one of the theorems presented in Module 2 – Describe how the theorem supports influencing the people, organisation or sector you
worked within positively and/or negatively (integrate relevant references into your reflection). You might want to think of this as a ripple effect – the impact of
your work on the organisation, the organisation’s impact on society etc. Think about the ripple effect on you – did the theorem make you think about things in your
life that you want to commit to in the future?
• Discuss how your internship increased your understanding about community organisations and their role in the community. Indicate whether the organisation or people
you supported and worked alongside benefit from committed long-term volunteers, role models and/or mentors etc? (Reflect on such things as the ways in which the sector
or organisation is dependent upon membership, volunteers and/or private/government funding for its success.)

b. Research contributions. (200 words) Insert actual word count here ( ) (5 marks)
Use at least three quality references (not “web” references or internet searches) to comment on how your engagement with the literature has informed your learning
through this semester. (Remember we asked you to identify three pieces of appropriate literature in your Internship Plan. You may refer to this literature or to other
literature, you identified during your internship.) Remember this section is NOT about research that supports the theorem, but is about research that specifically
informs your internship activities.

You talked about this in your Internship Plan but in this section instead of predicting how the research might inform your internship, you will report on how it
actually did inform your internship. List each piece of research (using appropriate referencing) and use bullet points underneath to list the key contributions it made
to your understanding of your internship activity using examples from your internship.

Personal Growth (300 – 500 words minimum) (10 marks)
Insert actual word count here ( )

This section supports your claims to have achieved Learning Objective 3. Critically appraise your personal and professional values in the context of your role in your
volunteering organisation.
a. Discuss what motivated you to select the Community Internship subject and volunteer, and whether you have the same motivations now. Is a sense of community spirit
and an integrated community important? You may include any philosophical or faith-based principles you appreciate that relate to community values and how these
influence your actions and motivation to volunteer.

b. Comment on your personal growth during your internship. In your Internship Plan you specifically stated what goals you had in relation to this growth area. Provide
evidence for ways in which your community engagement, volunteer experience, and/or reflections have heightened your personal development. Provide evidence through
reflecting on issues or incidents in your internship that had an impact on this growth.

c. Comment on the impact of the information in Lecture 3 and Modules 1 through 4, had on whether your learning through this course might impact your career or other
decisions in the future. Describe the insights you have obtained through working with your Community Organisation in terms of the types of organisations or community
issues that you would like to work on if you had the time or capacity in the future.

d. Give examples throughout to demonstrate the points you are making.

As you write this section, think about what you learned about yourself and what you can now do that you could not do before the internship, about more personal
attributes. Think also about what you have learned “not” to do in terms of how you deal with certain situations.
Professional Growth (300 – 500 words minimum) (10 marks)
Insert actual word count here ( )
This section supports your claims to have achieved Learning Objective 3. Critically appraise your personal and professional values in the context of your role in your
volunteering organisation.

a. Comment generally on your professional growth during your internship. In your Internship Plan you specifically stated what goals you had in relation to this growth
area. Provide examples and evidence to demonstrate ways in which your community engagement, volunteer experience, and/or reflections have heightened your professional
development. Provide evidence from issues or incidents through your internship that had an impact on this growth.

b. Evaluate the professional skills you are developing as a result of volunteering that you can apply to other situations (e.g. teamwork, leadership, verbal and
nonverbal communication, listening, cultural awareness, etiquette, public speaking, time management etc) and how this will benefit you professionally. Comment on how
the internship has built your discipline knowledge (if appropriate). Critically reflect on the Griffith Graduate attributes in this section (compare with your
Internship Plan goals) – and comment on how at least two of the Griffith Graduate Attributes were developed through your internship by providing specific examples from
your internship.

c. If you volunteered in an organisation or in a position that was broadly related to your discipline studies, consider the needs of the Community Organisation you
worked with and how the skills of your discipline studies could contribute to their needs in terms of volunteer support in the future.
Assignment section:

Academic Engagement (600 – 800 words) 10 Marks
a. Theorems (400 words)(5 marks)
• Critically reflect by utilising one of the theorems presented in Module 2 – Describe how the theorem supports influencing the people, organisation or sector you
worked within positively and/or negatively (integrate relevant references into your reflection). You might want to think of this as a ripple effect – the impact of
your work on the organisation, the organisation’s impact on society etc. Think about the ripple effect on you – did the theorem make you think about things in your
life that you want to commit to in the future?

• Discuss how your internship increased your understanding about community organisations and their role in the community. Indicate whether the organisation or people
you supported and worked alongside benefit from committed long-term volunteers, role models and/or mentors etc? (Reflect on such things as the ways in which the sector
or organisation is dependent upon membership, volunteers and/or private/government funding for its success.)

b. Research contributions. (200 words) Insert actual word count here ( ) (5 marks)
Use at least three quality references (not “web” references or internet searches) to comment on how your engagement with the literature has informed your learning
through this semester. (Remember we asked you to identify three pieces of appropriate literature in your Internship Plan. You may refer to this literature or to other
literature you identified during your internship.) Remember this section is NOT about research that supports the theorem, but is about research that specifically
informs your internship activities.

You talked about this in your Internship Plan but in this section instead of predicting how the research might inform your internship, you will report on how it
actually did inform your internship. List each piece of research (using appropriate referencing) and use bullet points underneath to list the key contributions it made
to your understanding of your internship activity using examples from your internship.

Personal Growth (300 – 500 words minimum) (10 marks)
Critically appraise your personal and professional values in the context of your role in your volunteering organisation.

a. Discuss what motivated you to select the Community Internship subject and volunteer, and whether you have the same motivations now. Is a sense of community spirit
and an integrated community important? You may include any philosophical or faith-based principles you appreciate that relate to community values and how these
influence your actions and motivation to volunteer.

b. Comment on your personal growth during your internship. In your Internship Plan you specifically stated what goals you had in relation to this growth area. Provide
evidence for ways in which your community engagement, volunteer experience, and/or reflections have heightened your personal development. Provide evidence through
reflecting on issues or incidents in your internship that had an impact on this growth.
c. Give examples throughout to demonstrate the points you are making.

As you write this section, think about what you learned about yourself and what you can now do that you could not do before the internship, about more personal
attributes. Think also about what you have learned “not” to do in terms of how you deal with certain situations.

Professional Growth (300 – 500 words minimum) (10 marks)
This section supports your claims to have achieved Learning Objective 3. Critically appraise your personal and professional values in the context of your role in your
volunteering organisation.

a. Comment generally on your professional growth during your internship. In your Internship Plan you specifically stated what goals you had in relation to this growth
area. Provide examples and evidence to demonstrate ways in which your community engagement, volunteer experience, and/or reflections have heightened your professional
development. Provide evidence from issues or incidents through your internship that had an impact on this growth.

b. Evaluate the professional skills you are developing as a result of volunteering that you can apply to other situations (e.g. teamwork, leadership, verbal and
nonverbal communication, listening, cultural awareness, etiquette, public speaking, time management etc) and how this will benefit you professionally. Comment on how
the internship has built your discipline knowledge (if appropriate). Critically reflect on the Griffith Graduate attributes in this section (compare with your
Internship Plan goals) – and comment on how at least two of the Griffith Graduate Attributes were developed through your internship by providing specific examples from
your internship.

c. If you volunteered in an organisation or in a position that was broadly related to your discipline studies, consider the needs of the Community Organisation you
worked with and how the skills of your discipline studies could contribute to their needs in terms of volunteer support in the future.
Assignment 2

Linking the exemplar of life-threatening dysrhythmias with the concept of safety

Order Description
Question 1
What safety teaching will you provide the client with atrial fibrillation?
Question 2
Your client has an internal pacemaker in place secondary to third degree heart block. When you provide safety instructions, the client asks why battery-powered
equipment is used rather than electrically powered equipment. How will you respond?

Linking the exemplar of life-threatening dysrhythmias with the concept of addiction behaviors:
Question 3
What information will you provide the client with supraventricular tachycardia who plans to continue smoking cigarettes?
Question 4
What alterations will you make to your plan of care for the client with a dysrhythmia who also abuses cocaine?

This question has been answered.

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