Literacy in a digital world


iteracy in a Digital World
Literacy implies a fuller understanding and a rounder knowledge. A literate person is aware of multiple information sources, the pros and cons of media forms, and the value and credibility of information.” – Terry Heick (“The Definition of Digital Literacy”)

This option allows you to consider the ways in which our consumption of social media and other digitized materials has impacted modern culture.

We have become voracious digital consumers of Tweets, memes, Facebook postings, Snapchat, blogs, social media, YouTube, and Google searches, amongst other digitized materials. Although many associate the concepts of literacy and being literate with reading a text, today we are expanding our concept of literacy to include the category of digital literacy. Te@chthought defines digital literacy as “the ability to interpret and design nuanced communication across fluid digital forms” (for more information, visit The Definition Of Digital Literacy.) At this stage in our development as a culture and society, people are focusing more on developing their digital communications than any other type of communication they may engage in as part of a public community of thinkers, learners, and citizens. Daily, for instance, many spend their time interpreting and responding with restrained conciseness to Tweets or critically “reading” and analyzing digital images.

Essay Prompt
In this paper, consider your connection to and history with the concepts of digital literacy and digitized materials. Pretend you have a chance to speak with your nine-year-old self. What one form of digital literacy would you convince yourself has made the single greatest impact on all of communication since you were that age? Pick one form of digital literacy and one reason that supports your argument.

Your essay should contain a traditional thesis with a main point and two supporting points on which to focus the body paragraphs. Do not use or consult sources outside this course. Use proper MLA citation if you quote or paraphrase source material within the course. Construct the thesis by considering the information below:

Pick one form of digital literacy (Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, emojis, etc.).
Pick one way that form of digital literacy has impacted one thing about communication. (For example, consider the way Twitter’s character limit has influenced the way we write or text.)
What are the two strongest supporting points (two ways you can prove) for #2 above? (Using the example of Twitter, consider how public figures communicate with their followers about emergency situations or national news.)
Try using the model below as you brainstorm your assignment:

I used to think _______ about digital literacy, but this happened, so now I think ___ about it.

Example: I used to think I couldn’t live without my ring and necklace, but I broke up with my boyfriend, so now I think they have become negative reminders of a painful past. Selling them and other objects he gave me would be emotionally cathartic.

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