Literature review

select (5) pure Qualitative Research Report published in elsevier.

– Identify the purpose of the study.
– Briefly describe the design of the study and explain why you think it is either appropriate or in-appropriate to meet the purpose.
– Identify ethical issues related to the study and how they were/were not addressed.
– Identify the sampling method and recruitment strategy that was used.
– Discuss whether sampling and recruitment were appropriate to the aims of the research.
Data collection and analysis
– Identify the data collection method(s) and discuss whether the method(s) is/are appropriate to the aims of the study.
– Identify how the data was analyzed and discuss whether the method(s) of analysis is/are appropriate to the aims of the study.

– Identify four (4) criteria by which the rigor of a qualitative project can be judged.
– Discuss the rigor of this study using the four criteria.
– Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the research method described by the authors
Findings and limitations
– Briefly describe the findings of the study and identify any limitations.
– Use the information that you have gained from your critique of the study to discuss the trustworthiness and applicability of the study. Include in your discussion any implications for the discipline of management.
– Are there things you would have suggested/asked as a reviewer? Are there things you might have done differently if you were the investigator?

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