Literature Review Outline

The goal of this assignment is to demonstrate synthesis as you determine the order in which you will discuss
your sources. Be sure to highlight how/where you plan to synthesize 2+ sources. Do not include any
annotations or elaborate on any one source (you will do that in the actual lit review), but instead note which
sources correspond to each point or detail of focus and which you plan to present more detailed information.
All 5 sources must be cited in the literature review and a full reference list posted at the end of the outline (on
its own page). Use proper APA formatting on paper (including title page), citations, and reference list.
Introduction to the topic
define terms as needed
cite statistics as relevant
transition to first point
First point or detail of focus
how you plan to synthesize 2+ sources to make this first point or introduce this first detail of focus
identify which sources correspond to this point
which you will elaborate and use part or all of your annotation
which will be referenced to support what you are arguing/presenting
Second point or detail of focus
how you plan to synthesize 2+ sources to make this second point or introduce this second detail of focus
identify which sources correspond to this point
which you will elaborate and use part or all of your annotation
which will be referenced to support what you are arguing/presenting
Conclusion – what is currently known about your topic

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