Little Women




“Jo had learned that hearts, like flowers, cannot be rudely handled, but must open naturally.”
“I’ve got the key to my castle in the air, but whether I can unlock the door remains to be seen.”
“I like good strong words that mean something.”
I want to speak about the main character Jo March and what characteristics I see in myself in her. How we relate and compliment each other. I also want to
touch on how Women were treated in society during the time this piece of literature was written. Women social status was considered becoming a housewife
and taking care of the children while their husband was off at work. I want to emphasize how much I embody Jo and want to make my mark on society and
change the way women’s social roles are today. Personally my mother in considered a housewife, and I do not want to become like her in that aspect. I know I
was put on this part to help people and engrave my name in history just like Jo wilson.
inspo: It is because Jo took the initiative to act on her creative and imaginative talents that she became an inspiration for woman. Jo is portrayed as the kind
of girl who never lets herself get bored, “Can’t keep still all day, and not being a pussycat, I don’t like to doze by the fire. I like adventures, and I’m going to find
some.” (p.254) With that Jo took off for the afternoon (do you know what she did?) able to keep busy with her imagination as her guide. No matter what is
going on around the March house, through her creativity, Jo is always able to keep herself amused and entertained (can you give an example). It is this
constant imaginative thinking that aids Jo in becoming a great writer. The four sisters had created their own secret society within the March house and on
rainy days they would convene their meetings. There they would read over a newspaper, which they had created and Jo, of course, “who reveled in pens and
ink, was the editor” (p.287). In participating in this activity, Jo is able to indulge her creative talents by writing stories and poems for the March newspaper.
This, she believed was good practice and would hold her in good stead for when she could be a real writer.

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