Consider how the entire living biomass of all organisms (plants, animals, fungi, microbes, etc.) in the blast zone around Mt. St. Helens is likely to have changed during the recovery after the volcanic eruption in 1980 and how it will continue to change until the year 2080..
Draw a fully-labeled graph, showing the change over time of the entire predicted biomass (from zero to “High”) of all living organisms in a one-acre plot in the blast zone over the 100 years after the volcanic eruption of Mt. St. Helens.
Think carefully about what the shape of this curve might look like over that time, as vegetation regrows and all the associated organisms increase in biomass.
In addition, note in brief writing what life history strategies and types of species interactions might be expected
in species colonizing the blast area right after the eruption and
in species that are most abundant and dominating after 100 years.