Lonza Group Biotechnology Company

(1) Estimate Capital Structure (25 points)

  • Estimate the firm?s weights of debt, preferred stock, and common stock using the firm?s balance sheet (book
  • Estimate the firm?s weights of debt, preferred stock, and common stock using the market value of each
    capital component.
    (2) Compute Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) (35 points)
  • Estimate the firm?s before-tax and after-tax component cost of debt; (Note: If the information about the
    current corporate tax rate is not available, you need to estimate the tax rate based on the historical tax
  • Estimate the firm?s component cost of preferred stock if the firm has issued preferred stocks.
  • Use three approaches (CAPM, DCF, bond-yield-plus-risk-premium) to estimate the component cost of
    common equity for the firm.
  • Calculate the firm?s weighted average cost of capital (WACC) using the market-based capital structure

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