Loss Experience

 • Visit a hospice, nursing care facility • Visit a cemetery • Visit a funeral home • Visit the coroner’s office • Visit an art museum (LUMA, Art Institute) and discuss a work of art regarding loss. This option will also require that you research the piece of art instead of speak with a professional—unless there is a docent available who is knowledgeable about it. • Volunteer on a suicide hotline • Volunteer at a homeless shelter Write a brief summary of the activity (5 pts) you chose and what you learned from it. This should be a new experience rather than a reworking of an old experience. This paper should also reflect your interaction with a professional or a volunteer (5 pts). If professionals are involved, in what way do they work towards healing for the individual or family? If volunteers are involved, how did they choose to do this work? How do they interact with clients in healing ways? What comfort level did you experience? (5 pts) What did you learn overall (5 pts)? How well does the agency/institution help clients (5 pts)? Length of paper should be 4-5 pages, not including title page.

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