Love/Loss Theme for The Sorrow Proper by Lindsey Drager

Some personal or theoretical contextualizing on love and loss may be necessary, but this paper should primarily use Drager’s novel for its discussion points and evidence. Put page numbers for quote/paraphrases in parentheses. A Work Cited is required if the paper references research beyond the novel.
Please feel free to incorporate topic to help in your written analysis, but don’t force them or feel you need to name them. It’s the approaches that are important. not the terms. As always, stay away from summarizing and story retelling.
The paper should have a controlling thesis like “Love and loss begin and end with because ” Consider these brainstorming questions:
Should you focus on the librarians, the lovers, or the grieving parents? Two or all three? Why? How should love/loss be defined? How do people adapt to changes? How should people adapt? Why do you think this is best? What from literary theory or topoi seems most appropriate for interpreting The Sorrow Proper? Why do you think this is?

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