Magnet Hospital Assessment


Magnet Hospital Assessment Instructions

  1. Magnet Recognition Program (Links to an external site.) – The ANCC Magnet Recognition Program was created for health care organizations who truly value nursing talent. Magnet Recognition is not merely an award, or a badge of honor. It is steadfast proof of a hard-earned commitment to excellence in health care, with contented nurses at its heart.
  2. Look at the Magnet information
  3. Find the 5 components of the Magnet Model
  4. List each component, and a brief description of each. Then write an assessment of how your workplace meets these criteria, and how they could improve. Include ways in which you could personally help move your facility toward Magnet ideals. If your facility is not a hospital or would not qualify for Magnet designation, you can still evaluate it on those characteristics and make suggestions
  5. Include a cover page and a reference page in APA style. Your reference will be the ANCC website. Be sure to cite your descriptions of the model components. This paper should be at least 500 words.

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