The below example, taken from Purdue OWL, demonstrates the full sentence outline method you are to employ for this assignment:
I. Man-made pollution is the primary cause of global warming.
a. Greenhouse gas emissions are widely identified by the scientific community to be harmful.
i. The burning of coal and fossil fuels is the primary releaser of hazardous greenhouse gases.
Within each main area, students should subdivide the topics using the above outline structure to lay out the main points in each major section. Include the
references planned for each section and the potential thesis sentences you will be using. The more detail provided, the better your instructor can advise you on
how to revise the work before you submit your final draft in Module Seven.
For Part 1: Detailed Outline, specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:
• Incorporates a sentence-style outline
• Addresses Section I of the Final Project: Research Paper – Introduction
• Addresses Section II of the Final Project: Research Paper – Why the Event Occurred: Theory I
• Addresses Section III of the Final Project: Research Paper – Why the Event Occurred: Theory II
• Addresses Section IV of the Final Project: Research Paper – Analysis—Basic Perceptual and Cognitive Processes
• Addresses Section V of the Final Project: Research Paper – Analysis—Dual Process Model
This resource will also be helpful to you as you formulate your outline: Four Main Components for Effective Outlines
Part 2: Annotated Bibliography: Annotated bibliographies provide you with the opportunity to cite, summarize, and compare and contrast resources you will
use in a paper. You will cite each resource in APA style, write an approximately 150-word description that summarizes the central theme and scope of the
resource, and compare and contrast it with other resources. For more information on annotated bibliographies, consult Shapiro Library section of the
Academic Support module within your course.
Depending on the assignment, the annotated bibliography may serve a number of purposes, including but not limited to reviewing the literature on a particular
subject, illustrating the quality of research you have done, providing examples of the types of resources available, describing other items on a topic that may be
of interest to the reader, and/or exploring the subject for further research. Your purpose here is to prepare to complete a final research paper that addresses
two major questions:
1. How does the literature in social cognition and perception help explain a real-world event?
2. Based on the literature, how could this event have happened differently had it occurred in a different culture?
To successfully complete the annotated bibliography, you should locate a minimum of three to five current research articles (from the past three years) that you
might potentially include in your final paper. Choose works that provide a variety of perspectives on your topic. In your annotation, you should pay attention to
the points listed below. (Source:
It is important to understand the difference between an annotated bibliography and a literature review particularly when you get to your capstone course (PSY444). Please review this document and keep it as a resource for future reference.
For Part 2: Annotated Bibliography, specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:
• Summarize the central theme of the resource.
• Include a paragraph in which you do the following:
o Evaluate the author’s authority or background.
o Explain how this resource will work in conjunction with other cited works to illuminate the research topic