
1. What is B&J’s corporate-level strategy? What is their business-level strategy? [Make sure you read my Introductory PowerPoint Slides to fully answer these two questions]. Attach a “TOWS Matrix” for B&J in which list at least two of each of their SO, ST, WO, and WT strategies. The TOWS Matrix is not counted in the word limit 2. Conduct a 5-Forces analysis of the ice cream industry and give an overall star rating for this industry (see the note I posted in the Announcements on Industry Star Rating). 3. What were distinctive features of B&J’s values? Do they contribute to sustainable competitive advantage? Or would they need to be dropped or altered for sustainability? 4. Comment on the trends in Ben & Jerry’s financial performance over the years covered in the case. In your essay, you must comment on the trends in five financial categories indicated in the PowerPoint Lecture on, ‘How to Conduct a Case Analysis.’ This lecture is one of the PowerPoint Lectures located in the Course Contents & Syllabus link in the left margin of your screen. The five ratios are Liquidity, Activity, Debt, Profitability, and the Z-Factor. At the bottom of your submission attach a Spreadsheet showing your calculations of the 5 ratios. This attachment does not count in the word limit. 5. Name two major challenges that confronted B&J’s after the case was written (the end of the 1990s and beyond – a Google search might help). How were they resolved?

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