Management Information Systems

Recall your technology experience in the workplace or at home. When adopting a new technology, what specific problems were you or your employer trying to resolve?
• Describe your biggest challenge in adopting new technologies based on your experience.
• Share how you or your employer overcame these issues.
II. Assignment Details
Businesses are moving more and more online with increased demand for online services.
• Think of a company that you shop with online. Explain the benefits of shopping online.
• Describe the potential challenges.
III. Assignment Details
Enterprise application is the core foundation for today’s cloud technology explosion. Across each business value chain within the organization, many organizations rely on the following enterprise applications:
• Business intelligence
• Customer relationship management
• Supply chain management
• Learning management systems
• Human capital management
You have likely been using one or two enterprise applications at work or home.
• Discuss a specific enterprise application that you use regularly.
• Clarify how it has improved your daily productivity.
IV. Assignment Details
You may have noted that more organizations have employees working remotely. As this trend continues, how do you think collaboration tools will evolve?
• Describe a specific change or changes that appear to be aimed at increasing the ease and effectiveness of online collaboration tools.
• Describe the effectiveness of these tools and which you think has the most effect.
V. Assignment Details
In light of today’s digital transformation trend, many organizations are adopting new cloud applications and new emerging technologies to improve the management and confidentiality of customer records.
• Explain the steps your company has taken to ensure that information remains safe and secure from inappropriate release.
• Describe how you think control structures and policies governing security will evolve.

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