Managerial Accounting and its application



You are required to form project team members not more 4 members to prepare a project NOT LESS THAN 4000 WORDS USING 12 FONT, Times New Roman on any one of the following topics:

1. Managerial Accounting and its application to organizational, planning, control and decision-making—A case study of (please choose the name of company).
2. Standard cost Accounting system as an aid to Management control and Planning —-A Case Study of (choose name of company).
3. Cost profit Volume analysis as a Catalyst in Management planning, control, and decision making of manufacturing company—– A case study of (choose the name of company).
4. Cost-Volume-profit analysis as management tool for decision-making —- A case study in (choose the name of company).
5. Cost Accounting and Management Accounting as tool of performance evaluation in manufacturing company.
6. The role of Managerial Accounting Technique in achieving effective cost control in the manufacturing industry – A case study of Coca Cola.
7. Managerial Accounting Techniques in manufacturing firm— a case Study of (choose the name of company).
8. How does Activity based costing add value to a project? A case of (choose any Saudi Company).
9. The impact of Cost of Goods Produced on pricing in the strategic decision-making process.
10. Budgeting as an instrument of internal control in a manufacturing organization.
11. Budgetary and budgetary control as a tool for accountability in Government organization.
12. Budget as tool of planning and controlling in an organization- A case of Saudi Aramco
13. Budget as tool of planning and controlling in an organization- A case of PMU.
14. How does Activity Based Costing add value to a project? An analysis of (select any international service company).
15. The application of Managerial Accounting controls in family firms in the UK or US — An investigation.
16. Standard Cost Accounting system —–As an aid to management control and planning.
17. Effective Budgetary control as an instrument organizational survival.
18. Impact of budgetary control on organizational profitability—-A case study of Samsung
19. Activity based coating — a case of Riyad Bank, Saudi Arabia.
20. Implication of standard costing system in manufacturing: A case of SABIC.
21. The effectiveness of standard costing a control tool for performance evaluation in manufacturing industries—- A case study of GMC motors.

Note: Data used project will be given more preference. In spite of the above topics you can choose your own project’s topic but your topic should be related the following concepts:

• Job costing
• Cost behavior
• CVP analysis
• Process costing
• Budgeting
• Flexible budgeting
• Division evaluation
• Performance evaluation through Standard Costing.
You are required to submit hard copy of your project. Late submission will be awarded deduction. Therefore, to avoid deduction you are all advised to submit on or before due date. If you don’t want to form team, you may prepare your project alone.
The following points should be written very clearly in your project
1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction (Background of the companies)
3. Literature Review
4. Interpretation of your project with the help of data, tables, figures and diagrams like histograms, pie grams etc.
5. Conclusion
6. A list of References.
7. Appendix

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