Managerial Economics

Managerial Economics

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Managerial Economics: module requires student to complete a case study report that reveals mastery and understanding in application of the Managerial Economic concepts emphasised in the course.This involves reporting on specific organisation within an industry and optimal strategies involving pricing and resource utilisation that affect the value of the chosen firm or industry.

TESCO plc.

You will find the Tesco plc annual report and financial statements for 2014 and statements relating to there core purpose and values on the following links


The purpose of the assignment is to apply the managerial economic concepts and techniques of the module to the analysis of the retail industry and on the operations and strategies of one of its leading players.

There is a wealth of material on Tesco plc and its main competitors and the retail industry on the Internet. The issues raised by the Tesco plc annual report will require you to examine the following:

Demand and supply conditions,
Competitive strategies-pricing and non-price competition,
Price elasticity of Demand and Supply
Market structure
Porters five forces and competitor analysis
The role of ethics in economics decision-making.
Uncertainty and its impact on strategy formulation


Assess that attractiveness of the UK retail industry in Tesco’s current competitive position. (1400-1500 words)

What strategies would you like to recommend to the Board of Tesco plc in order to improve their profitability and image with the public? (400-500 words)

Managerial Economics: module requires student to complete a case study report that reveals
mastery and understanding in application of the Managerial Economic concepts emphasised in the
course.This involves reporting on specific organisation within an industry and optimal strategies
involving pricing and resource utilisation that affect the value of the chosen firm or industry.
TESCO pic.
You will find the Tesco plc annual report and financial statements for 2014 and statements relating
to there core purpose and values on the following links
The purpose of the assignment is to apply the managerial economic concepts and techniques of
the module to the analysis of the retail industry and on the operations and strategies of one of its
leading players.
There is a wealth of material on Tesco plc and its main competitors and the retail industry on the
Internet. The issues raised by the Tesco plc annual report will require you to examine the following:
Demand and supply conditions,
Competitive strategies-pricing and non-price competition,
Price elasticity of Demand and Supply
Market structure
Porters five forces and competitor analysis
The role of ethics in economics decision-making.
Uncertainty and its impact on strategy formulation
Assess that attractiveness of the UK retail industry in Tesco’s current competitive position.
(1400-1500 words)
What strategies would you like to recommend to the Board of Tesco pic in order to improve their
profitability and image with the public? (400-500 words)


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