Managing Change

Managing change is the process of planning, implementing and sustaining change in organizations. Individuals all have their own unique “depiction” of what change represents, and from this, they formulate their attitude and reactions to the change. Some actively resist the change, but many also use more passive resistance, which is the most difficult. It is not always obvious that the person resists change because they do nothing observable that shows their resistance the change. Change offers an organization new realities that are only successful if employees accept and try to meaningfully interpret it.
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Like the cartoon above, imagine that as a manager you are announcing an organizational change to your team. Although the team members aren’t openly expressing any feelings about the change they have various positive and negative thoughts. Now select three thoughts, at least one that could be assumed resistant or, at least, not supportive of the change displayed by different team members. Then decide the best strategies to address those team members concerns to help them get on board and support the change.
Develop a plan explaining what approaches, methodologies or tools you might use to address resistant team members. Determine which areas team members are targeting regarding their resistance to the change: the planning and implementation; the proposed change, or the individuals leading the change efforts.

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