Manufacturing Materials and Processes for Medical and Bio- medical Applications

1) Select and describe three products from the provided list (See Table 1) to be the main focus of study.
2) Perform a detailed analysis of all potential materials that could be used to produce the selected products. Search about mechanical and physical properties of these materials, for instance Corrosion Resistance, Toughness, Plasticity, Elasticity, Stiffness, Ductility, Malleability, tensile strength, Young’s modulus, shear strength, hardness, compressive strength, fatigue life etc.
3) Describe briefly all manufacturing processes that could be used for their selected products.
4) Highlight one product from the list, and provide product design dimensions and structure for the highlighted product (Hand drawing is a must). Then, develop an engineering report of the technical specifications and cost requirements. Moreover, evaluate the potential materials that could be used for the highlighted product and recommend one material with detailed justification.

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