Market Place Lending

Presentations should be no longer than 10 minutes in length and summarized using MS PowerPoint or other visual resources. Slides and materials must be well-organized, clear, grammatically correct and visually appealing. Please send me an electronic copy prior to class. As the presentations are often information rich, I frequently receive requests from course members seeking PDFs for future reference.
Everyone has an obligation to present and failure to do so will result in zero credit for this component of the grade.
Objective and Topics
The goal of this presentation is to provide you with the opportunity to research and develop expertise in a specific sub sector of the rapidly growing, evolving and potentially disruptive FinTech Sector. It will also enable your colleagues to broaden their knowledge of Financial Technology and learn how it will impact global markets in the future.

FinTech Sectors

  1. RegTech
  2. InsurTech
  3. AgTech
  4. Market Place Lending (P2P)
  5. Algorithmic Trading
  6. High Frequency Trading (HFT)
  7. Big Data & Data Sciences
  8. Machine Learning
  9. Text Mining and Text Analytics 10. Statistical Arbitrage Trading 11. Alternative Payment Systems 12. Block Chain
  10. Crypto Currency (not BitCoin) 14. Robo Advisors

Presentation Content
You are free to design and organize the Slides an Teaser in a manner conducive to your style. Please cite all sources accurately and comprehensively. Generally, the lecture should consider:
• Brief introduction and overview of the FinTech sector or product
• Background or history that led to the development of or demand for the FinTech solution
• Overview of and explanation of the Technology itself and the product
• The business model
• Competition in the sector
• Size of the market and prospects for future growth
• Role of regulation

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