Marketing Fundamentals

Congratulations! You are now in Stage 2 of your marketing planning process.
It is time to show Mary, your marketing manager, that you know how to identify
appropriate target audience(s). Based on the same client from Stage 1, you are now
required to analyse the market using suitable and relevant segmentation variables in order
to describe the ideal target market(s) for your client.
As part of the marketing process, you need to research different types of data using a
variety of sources to understand the consumer behaviour of your client’s target market.
What are its consumers’ needs and motivations and what influences them in their
purchasing decisions.
In this stage, you also need to identify or suggest a positioning statement to the client,
which considers all the values and competitive advantages that need to be promoted to
consumers, as well as setting up its positioning map using competitors’ information already
collected in Stage 1.

In Stage 2 of your marketing plan, the focus is on applying segmentation techniques to
establish the target audience profile(s) for your selected business and how the business
‘positions’ itself in the minds of those consumers.
Make sure you use the same client from Stage 1.
At this point, Stage 2, you must submit a word/text document which includes:
a) Cover page including:
i. Business name
ii. Student Identifier (name and number)
iii. Subject code and name
b) Identification of the current consumer buyer characteristics including:
i. Level of involvement of consumers that purchase the product/service
and identify the stages of the buyer decision making process.
ii. A summary of key situational, psychological and social influences on
the buying decision process.
Stage 4 (Assessment 4)
Metrics Proposal and Reflection
Stage 3 (Assessment 3)
Marketing Mix
Stage 2 (Assessment 2)
Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning
Stage 1 (Assessment 1)
Situational Analysis
MKT101A Assessment 2 Brief Page 3 of 7
c) Develop a target market profile (s) applying two (2) variables for each of the
following segmentation elements: demographics, geographics,
psychographics and behavioural elements. Hint: Your business may target
more than one market and if so, focus on what you think is the largest target
d) Inclusion of a positioning statement for the client highlighting the values and
benefits offered by the brand to consumers.

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