Marketing Plan

Write a Marketing Plan assessing the CURRENT marketing strategies of an existing company in your subject area from the list below. You should evaluate ONE company from the list below and assess this company in the UK. You will be evaluating: S- Situational analysis (assessing the current macro and micro environment) 0- Objectives (TWO SMART objectives). These objectives will derive from your situational analysis S — Strategy (assessing the current strategies which relate to the 2 SMART objectives) T — Tactics (assessing the current tactics which relate to the 2 SMART objectives) A — Action (Please use a Gantt chart to help explain the actions as part of the strategy and tactics) C- Control (You can either investigate what the company is currently doing or make suggestions via further reading.) Evaluate ONE company from the list below. Your marketing plan should be UK focused. This plan should identify the current ways the company is generating value for stakeholders in the UK. The marketing plan should follow the SOSTAC model. It is vital that all students read and understand the marking rubric. Please select a company in your subject area and one market offering (product/service) from the company’s product portfolio. Global Business:, Walmart, Toyota Motor, BMW Marketing: Apple, Virgin Group; LVMH HR: Nestle Group (e.g. Nespresso; Nescafe, Maggi – select one company from their portfolio. Coca Cola (e.g. Coca cola; Fanta; Smart water – select one company from their portfolio)

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