Master Chef Video


Master Chef Discussion

You watched Master Chef and completed an assignment, please take this discussion post as a place to answer the following questions

1) share your thoughts about your assignment, what did you find most valuable.

2) are there other childhood exceptions that you would like to share that you have come across?

Have a great discussion!

Your assignment was: (this is not the criteria for this assignment but this is a reminder of the criteria for the Masterchef Video Response) to evaluate two children who represent middle childhood and adolescence from an episode of Master Chef Junior. To complete the assignment Answer Questions 2, 3, & 4. Your responses will be submitted through the CANVAS system.

  1. Observation:

For each child organize your observations into the following sections. In each section (physical, cognitive, emotional/psychological, and social/cultural) make observations and comments that will help you to answer the questions for this assignment.

  1. Physical:
    a. What are the Norms?

b. What do you observe about the child in this domain? c. What are the strengths of the child in this domain?

What seems to be the challenges in this domain?

For the final section of the paper, or your conclusion about this child based on

your observation, what do you think could be interventions that would address strengths and challenges for this child related to their current stage of the lifespan?

  1. Cognitive:

What are the Norms? The theorist who is associated with a specific area and the

stage or ability they believe a child of this age should have. Include Piaget, and Research about attention, impulse control, working memory and language functioning.

What do you observe about the child in this domain?

c. What are the strengths of the child in this domain?

What seems to be the challenges in this domain?

For the final section of the paper, or your conclusion about this child based on

your observation, what do you think could be interventions that would address strengths and challenges for this child related to their current stage of the lifespan?

  1. Emotional/ Physical:
    a. What are the Norms? The theorist who is associated with a specific area and the

stage or ability they believe a child of this age should have. Erickson,

Empathy, Altruism would be included here.
b. What do you observe about the child in this domain?
c. What are the strengths of the child in this domain?
d. What seems to be the challenges in this domain?
e. For the final section of the paper, or your conclusion about this child based on

your observation, what do you think could be interventions that would address strengths and challenges for this child related to their current stage of the lifespan?

  1. Social/ Cultural:
    a. What are the Norms? The theorist who is associated with a specific area and the

stage or ability they believe a child of this age should have. Include theories from Kohlberg, as well as play, aggression, and how culture can impact reaching these norms.

b. What do you observe about the child in this domain?

c. What are the strengths of the child in this domain?

What seems to be the challenges in this domain?

For the final section of the paper, or your conclusion about this child based on

your observation, what do you think could be interventions that would address strengths and challenges for this child related to their current stage of the lifespan?

  1. Child Representing Middle Childhood:

Describe the physical characteristics of the youngest child that you are observing. (This section will be at least 1/2 a page or 100 words)

Describe the cognitive characteristics of the youngest child that you are observing. What stage of development would Piaget think that this child is in? What tasks are they able to do, and what are they not able to do? You can also mention their language abilities in this section as well as comments about intellectual abilities. (This section will be at least 1/2 a page or 100 words).

Describe the emotional characteristics of the youngest child you are observing. What is the task of this child according to Erickson? Is there anything in their action that demonstrates this conflict? What type of emotional control does this child demonstrate, eg. internalizing and externalizing. Can you determine anything about this child’s self-esteem? (This section will be at least 1/2 a page or 100 words)

Describe the social characteristics of the youngest child that you are observing. Are they popular? Do you feel that they are altruistic? What kind of play are they engaging in? Can you make any assumptions about their attachment? (This section will be at least 1/2 a page or 100 words)

  1. Child Representing Adolescence:

Describe the physical characteristics of the oldest child that you are observing. (This section will be at least 1/2 a page or 100 words)

Describe the cognitive characteristics of the oldest child that you are observing. What stage of development would Piaget think that this child is in? What tasks are they able to do, and what are they not able to do? You can also mention their language abilities in this section as well as comments about intellectual abilities. (This section will be at least 1/2 a page or 100 words).

Describe the emotional characteristics of the oldest child that you are observing. What is the task of this child according to Erickson? Is there anything in their action that demonstrates this conflict? What type of emotional control does this child demonstrate, eg. internalizing and externalizing. Can you determine anything about this child’ self-esteem? (This section will be at least 1/2 a page or 100 words)

Describe the social characteristics of the oldest child that you are observing. Are they popular? Do you feel that they are altruistic? What kind of play are they engaging in? Can you make any assumptions about their attachment? (This section will be at least 1/2 a page or 100 words)

  1. Final Question:

Were you able to see a difference in these children based on theories from class? Please describe below.

This question has been answered.

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