McKinsey and Company


McKinsey and Company posted five critical questions about the Internet of Things to a panel
of experts. Please answer those five questions in the context of your company overall or the
supply chain of your company.
1. What do you regard as the most interesting use of the Internet of Things?
2. What is the biggest risk associated with the Internet of Things?
3. What would one factor most accelerate the benefits of the Internet of Things?
4. What’s one policy change that would accelerate the benefits of the Internet of Things?
5. What’s the one piece of advice you would give your business leader interested in the
Internet of Things?
Now, put yourself in the role of Logistics Director, CFO, and CEO of your company. What are
the key metrics you need to evaluate the performance of your logistics network? How often
do you need to update those metrics? How can the Internet of Things help collect the data
that is needed for those metrics.

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