Mechatronics for Innovation

Your goal for this problem is to run a SILO simulation which can operate in 3 different modes. The mode selector switch, labeled A, B, and C, should switch between these modes. In addition, the overall system should:

 Should allow the use of the STOP button and the START button as expected
 Should not require that you hold down either button for the function to occur
 Should allow you to STOP the process at any time
 Should allow 3 modes *(A, B, and C) to be selected:
 Mode A (3pts) – Input I1:5 – When START is pressed, boxes just go

down the conveyor without stopping until the STOP button is pressed. Mode B (12pts) – Input I1:6 – When the START button is pressed, boxes proceed down the conveyor, stop under the silo, get filled by the solenoid opening, filling is stopped when the level sensor is activated,

and then are released to continue once full.
 Mode C (5 pts) – Input I1:7 – Just as above except only runs for one

cycle and then automatically comes to a stop once the box is full. Can be restarted by pressing the START button. Also, Run, Fill, and Full indicators (O:2/2, 3, and 4, respectively) should all function to indicate current state.

 Boxes should NOT overflow (look out for pink stuff on the floor)

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