Media as Social Matrix in the United Arab Emirates

Please read the attached book chapter:
Mourtada-Sabbah, Nada et al. (2008) Media as Social Matrix in the United Arab Emirates. In: Alanoud Alsharekh and Robert Springborg (eds.), Popular Culture and Political Identity in the Arab Gulf States. London: Saqi.

Write a critical review paper that assesses the academic value of this paper, its merits and weaknesses.
In order to do that, please follow the steps outlined below:
Introduction with goal of your paper
Give a short summary of the paper and focus on the authors’ intentions and main arguments:
What do the authors want to show? What is the goal of their paper?
What were their research methods? How did they collect information?
How is the paper organized?
What is their conclusion?
This part of your paper should be relatively short (not more than half a page). It should not contain any evaluation yet.
Write a critique/ an evaluation of the paper, regarding its content, the authors’ methods, their evidence/empirical data, the organization of their paper, and their language use.
Did their arguments convince you?
Do you agree with the authors regarding the power of the media?
Do you agree with the authors concerning the reactions of people who consume media?
Do you think the authors’ depiction of how youth consume media in the UAE is accurate?
Is the authors’ research methodology sound?
Did they provide enough data/ information/ evidence to support their arguments?
Do you think the paper was well organized? Was there a logical “flow” to it, resulting in a coherent structure?
Please comment on the readability of the paper. Did you find the language used in the chapter accessible?
Overall, what are the strengths of the paper? What are the weaknesses?
Do you think the authors missed some important points? Do you think they overemphasized some issues?
Do you think you gained some important new insights after reading this paper?

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