Medical Procedure

Lindemann, H., & Verkerk, M.. (2008). ENDING THE LIFE OF A NEWBORN: The Groningen Protocol. The Hastings Center Report, 38(1), 42-51. Retrieved October 29, 2010, from Research Library Core. (Document ID: 1431314811). (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. * What is the Groningen Protocol? * What groups are used in the Groningen Protocol? * What problems exist with the protocol? * Suggest alternatives (this is where your analysis becomes important) The Role of Family in Euthanasia Decision Making Kimsma, G., & van Leeuwen, E.. (2007).

The Role of Family in Euthanasia Decision Making. HEC Forum, 19(4), 365-73. Retrieved October 29, 2010, from Health Module. (Document ID: 1427245481). (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Questions presented: * What are the two fundamentally opposing views on the relationship between individuals and their families? * Which issues in family relations can complicate end of life decisions? * Should requests by family members be honored? If so, in which situations?

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