
Write a three-page memo (no appendices or attachments) to the eHarmony CEO with your recommendation regarding the four strategic options presented. You’re writing the memo as a trusted senior executive at eHarmony. The CEO has asked for your opinion because he knows you bring a very objective and strategic viewpoint to situations.

The goal is to provide an objective, balanced analysis of the situation, highlight the major factors that you feel are relevant, and make a recommendation to which strategic options they should pursue. You’ll need to look internally at the company and externally at the industry and macro trends to present a strategic analysis of the situation and an evaluation of the options. Your recommendation will need to address both the qualitative and quantitative data from the case. The CEO knows the company as well or better than you, so he doesn’t want a rehash of the obvious situation, what he wants is your opinion and interpretation based on a logical, critical and balanced analysis.

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