

Child with Seizure R/O Meningitis- Review the this chart in EHR (Links to an external site.) Answer the following questions:
Clinical Reasoning Questions to Develop Nurse Thinking:
• Concisely summarize your patient’s course of stay. What is the day of admission/post-op day?
• What is the primary problem that brought your patient to this care setting? Briefly summarize pathophysiology of this problem in your OWN WORDS. • What vital signs/nursing assessments/lab-diagnostic test results are RELEVANT and need to be monitored and trended? Why are they relevant?
• What body system(s) needs to be assessed most thoroughly because of the primary problem?
• What specific nursing assessments are most important? Why? • What is the current nursing PRIORITY? • What independent nursing interventions (interventions that do not require an order/based on nursing judgment of patient needs) will you initiate based on this priority and what are the desired outcomes?
• What is the worst possible/most likely complication(s) to anticipate based on the primary problem?
• What will you do to PREVENT this complication from developing?
• What nursing assessments will identify this complication EARLY if it develops?
• What nursing interventions will you implement if this complication develops?
• Please explain why the patient is receiving each medication ordered and the nursing considerations for each medication.
• Explain each past medical history diagnosis and the medications, assessments, and labs that are used for each.




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