Methods of social search


According to the video, what is positivism?
According to the video, what is positivist sociology?
According to the video, what is interpretive sociology?
According to the video, what is critical sociology?

According to the video, what is a research method?
According to the video, what research did Alice Goffman conduct in Philadelphia?
Part 2) Read Chap 1 (Introduction) of the textbook and answer the following questions. Please keep the following in mind when you submit your answers.
This is a reading assignment. The whole purpose of this assignment is to see if you have read the assigned reading. I need to know that you have read the reading by examining your answer.
Thus, your answers must be based on the info presented in the reading. How do you know that your answer is based on the info presented in the reading? If you read the assigned reading and write your answer based on the info presented in the reading, your answer is based only on the info presented in the reading.
Do not include in your answer any info not presented in the reading. If you need to include such info in your answer, clearly indicate the source of the info. Any such info presented without indicating the source will be negatively graded.
Do not submit AI (such as ChatGPT) generated answers as your answers. Such answers are totally inappropriate for this assignment and will not earn any points. Read the assigned reading and write your own answers based on the info presented in the reading.
According to the textbook, there are three important characteristics that set research apart from common sense or mere opinion. Explain what they are.(Click on the question number listed above to submit your answer.)
Explain the difference between quantitative and qualitative research in terms of the types of data each deal with.
Explain the difference between basic research and applied research.
The textbook says: The most important rule for writing research questions is that your question must be answerable. That is, it must be a question that can be answered with data, not a philosophical question whose answer is unknowable, or based on personal values. Create an answerable research question about the death penalty.
Create an unanswerable research question about the death penalty.
The author says that a research question must be feasible. What does she mean by this?
What is a unit of analysis?
Given the following research question, find the unit of analysis. What is the average height of Lehman students?
Given the following research question, find the unit of analysis. Which country in the world has the highest birth rate?
What is a literature review?

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