Michelle Alexander’s opinion piece, “None of Us Deserve Citizenship.”

Analyze, and take a position on, Michelle Alexander’s opinion piece, “None of Us Deserve
Citizenship.” As you read, you should consider the following questions: What is the article’s thesis? Why does
that particular point need to be made? Why does it matter? Your first paragraph should include a thesis
statement that clearly reflects your own judgement of the article. It should also include a summary of the article.
In short, your introduction should tell me what the article is about, and what you think of it. The body of your
essay should consist of evidence to support your thesis. For instance, if your thesis is that the author’s
argument is logically flawed in a particular way, then the body of your essay should explore and analyze
specific examples of that logical flaw in the article. Your conclusion should return to your thesis, and also state
the implications of your argument. It should answer the question: Why does it matter if my thesis is true?

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