Microorganism for your paper on pathology or microbe-environment interactions.

Pick a microorganism for your paper on pathology or microbe-environment interactions. The organism can not be one of the ones your instructor goes over during lecture listed in the syllabus. Select a pathogen/microbe from current events that is an emerging or reemerging concern to you or people in your area. Provide local epidemiological data/statistics for the organism.

minimum of 5 pages of relevant and informative material that covers all of the content and requirements listed below and in the rubric. The 5 pages does not include the title and reference pages. The paper should thoroughly inform the reader and be original work and not reuse any part of previously submitted course material.
Introduction to the organism (structure, cell type, morphology, metabolic requirements, natural reservoir, history, etc.)
Introduction to the disease(s) caused by the organism (epidemiology, signs, symptoms, etc.) OR introduction to the environmental impact of the organism
List and describe factors employed by the organism to assist in its growth, reproduction, culture conditions, host/pathogen interactions and/or virulence. (e.g. nitrogen fixation, symbiotic interactions etc.) Categorize virulence factors by mechanisms of action (Immunity Avoidance, Tissue/Cell Lysis, Colonization/Spread)
Discussion of treatment/prevention options for the disease(s) caused by the organism (Antibiotics or other chemotherapeutics given as part of treatment and their mechanisms of action, Vaccines available and type)

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