Misconceptions and myths surrounding demand forecasting


Identify misconceptions and myths surrounding demand forecasting
Start by listing key search terms you will use to locate two resources for this essay. Then, search in YouTube, Google, Bing, or any other search engine for a resource that adds to your knowledge of forecasting. Do not source “for-purchase options” such as consultancies or statistical software. As an example, you could source a YouTube video that expands your understanding of the basics of forecasting demand from either the demand or supply side. Provide a hyperlink for each resource in the section of the paper that is labeled “Resource Hyperlinks.” Next, you have two sections, one for each hyperlink to review the source in some detail. Finally, you will be Summarizing what you have found that helps you understand forecasting. This section, is the most important. Spend some time thinking about what you have learned and how to communicate what you learned effectively.

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